Robert Brady

Robert Brady


Vol I

Pg 418

b.1627 d.19 August 1700

MB Cantab(1653) MD(1660) FRCP(1680)

Robert Brady, MD, was born at Denver, in the county of Norfolk, and educated at Caius college, Cambridge; as a member of which he proceeded bachelor of medicine in 1653, and was created doctor, per Literas Regias, 5th September, 1660. In 1669 he was elected master of Caius college, in pursuance of a mandate from king Charles II; shortly after this was appointed keeper of the records in the Tower of London; and in 1677 was promoted to the Regius professorship of medicine at Cambridge.

He was admitted a Fellow of the College of Physicians 12th November, l680. He was physician in ordinary to king Charles II and king James II; and was one of those who, on the 22nd October, 1688, gave in their depositions concerning the birth of the prince of Wales.

Dr Brady died 19th August, 1700, aged 73, and was buried in the church of Denver, co Norfolk, where there is a black marble slab with the following inscription:-
serenissimis principibus Carolo et Jacobo 2ndis Medici Ordinarii,
Regii apud Cantabr: Medicinæ professoris,
Collegii de Gonville et Caius 40 circiter annos
Custodis vigilantissimi et benefactoris munificentissimi,
qui, postquam rem medicam et historicam,
summâ diligentâ et fide,
tam praxi quam scriptis feliciter exornaverat,
apud suos Denverienses, ubi primum hauserat spiritum,
ultimum clausit diem Aug: 19, A°. Dom. 1700, ætat: suæ 73.

Dr Brady was the friend of Sydenham, and to him the first of the “Epistolæ Responsoriæ” was addressed. He is, however, better remembered as an historian than a physician, and in that capacity was deserving of the highest praise. Hearne, the Oxford antiquary, writes thus: “Rob. Bradius plerisq. omnibus sequioris ævi historicis nostris Anglicanis sit anteferendus.” He was the author of -
An Introduction to the Old English History. Lond. Folio. 1684.
True and exact History of the Succession of the Crown of England, collected out of records and the best histories. Folio. 1684.
An Historical Treatise on Cities and Boroughs. Folio. Lond. 1690.
An Inquiry into the remarkable instances of History and Parliament Records used by the author [Stillingfleet] of the Unreasonableness of a New Separation on account of the Oaths. 4to. Lond. 1691.
A Complete History of England, from the first entrance of the Romans unto the end of the reign of King Richard II. 2 vols. Lond. 1700.

Dr Brady devised a considerable paternal estate to Caius college, and 500l towards the purchase of a perpetual advowson.

William Munk