Robert Bland, M.D., was born at Lynn Regis, and was the son of Mr. David Bland, an attorney in that town. He was educated in London for a surgeon, in which capacity he practised for some years. He was created doctor of medicine by the university of St. Andrew’s 4th December, 1778; and was admitted a Licentiate of the College of Physicians 30th September, 1786. Dr. Bland practised chiefly as an accoucheur, and contributed to Rees’ Cyclopaedia all the articles relating to midwifery. He died at his house in Leicester-square, 29th June, 1816, aged seventy-six. He was the author of —
Some Calculations of the Number of Accidents or Deaths which happen from Parturition. 4to. Lond. 1781.
Observations on Human and Comparative Parturition. 8vo. Lond. 1794.
Proverbs, chiefly taken from the Adagia of Erasmus, with explanations; and illustrated by Examples from the Spanish, Italian, French, and English languages. 2 vols 12mo. Lond. 1814.
William Munk