Sir Edward Barry

Sir Edward Barry (Avatar)


Vol II

Pg 238

Sir Edward Barry


Vol II

Pg 238

b.1696 d.27 March 1776

AB Dublin(1717) MD Leyden(1719) MB Dublin(1740) MD(1740) FRCP(1762) FRS

Sir Edward Barry, Bart., M.D., was admitted a scholar of Trinity college, Dublin, in 1716, proceeded A.B. in 1717, and on the 25th April, 1718, being then twenty-two years of age, was entered on the physic line at Leyden, where he graduated doctor of medicine in 1719 (D.M.I. de Nutritione). He proceeded M.B. at Trinity college, Dublin, in the spring of 1740; M.D. 8th July, 1740. He practised for some time in Dublin. He was admitted a fellow of the King and Queen’s College of Physicians 26th July, 1740, was Censor of that body in 1740, 1741, 1750, 1751, President 1749, and Treasurer 1750. On the 18th May, 1761, he requested permission to resign his fellowship, when he was placed on the list of honorary fellows. He was incorporated at Oxford on his Dublin degree 30th June, 1761, and the same day received from the university a licence to practise. He was admitted a Candidate of the College of Physicians of London 30th September, 1761; a Fellow, 30th September, 1762, and was Censor in 1763. He was created a baronet about the year 1775, and died on the 27th March, 1776. Sir Edward Barry was a fellow of the Royal Society, physician-general to the forces in Ireland, and professor of physic in the university of Dublin. His eldest son, Sir Nathaniel Barry, bart., M.D., was a distinguished physician in Dublin. A fine portrait of him by Sir Joshua Reynolds is in the King and Queen’s College of Physicians. Sir Edward Barry was the author of—

A Treatise on the three different Digestions and Discharges of the Human Body, and the Diseases of their principal organs. 8vo. Lond. 1759.
Observations, Historical, Critical, and Medical, on the Wines of the Ancients, and the Analogy between them and the Modern Wines. 4to. Lond. 1775.

William Munk