John Luke - A faculty was granted him by the College of Physicians, 22nd December, 1561, to treat diseases of the eye, but he was strictly limited to the use of external means. “Concessa est facultas Joanni Luke, oculari medico, ut oculis medeatur, sic ut externis tantum medicamentis utatur, et non internis, ut nec clysteribus, nec purgationibus, nec syrupis, nec id genus aliis rebus, quæ intro in corpus assumuntur, neque in urbe Londino, neque in suburbiis, neque per ambitum septem milliariorum, nisi cum consilio alicujus docti et experientis medici, ex Collegio accersiti.” [He is thought to have been the author of an anonymous pamphlet. 4o Lond 1548 entitled John ? & Mart Person a satire ? dialogue on the real presence. By it the printers were brought into much trouble and narrowly escaped being sent to prison. Most of the copies were destroyed. It was reprinted in ? in 1807. Vide Dictionary of Anonymous and Pseudonymous Literature of Great Britain.]
William Munk