John Andrée, M.D.—A doctor of medicine of Rheims of 12th June, 1739; was admitted a Licentiate of the College of Physicians 22nd December, 1741. He was mainly instrumental in establishing the London hospital, of which institution he was the senior, and for a time only, physician. Nominated to that office 21st October, 1740, he resigned it 5th September, 1764, and thenceforward declined practice. Dr. Andrée died in Hatton-garden 4th February, 1785, aged eighty-seven years, being then the senior Licentiate of the College.
He was the author of —
An Account of the Tilbury Water. 8vo. Lond. 1737.
Cases of Epilepsy, Hysteric Fits, and St. Vitus’s Dance, with the Process of Cure. 8vo. Lond. 1746. Republished in 1753, with additional Cases of the Bite of a Mad Dog, and a successful Method of Cure.
Observations upon a Treatise on the Virtues of Hemlock in the Cure of Cancers. 8vo. Lond. 1761.
William Munk