George Bailey

George Bailey (Avatar)


Vol II

Pg 69

George Bailey


Vol II

Pg 69

b.c.1693 d.1 December 1771

MD Rheims(1716) Ex LRCP(1720)

George Bailey, M.D., was born at Havant about the year 1693, of parents distinguished for their virtuous and religious character. Their situation in life enabled them to bestow on their two sons, Edward and George, a very liberal education at home and abroad. After a course of study at Leyden under Boerhaave, they both graduated at Rheims, and, returning to their native town, practised their profession in partnership; but that place not affording sufficient occupation for the two, a separation became necessary. Edward Bailey continued at Havant, where he passed the remainder of his life. But George Bailey, a doctor of medicine of Rheims, of 21st October, 1716, who was admitted an Extra-Licentiate of the College of Physicians 18th July, 1720, settled at Chichester. In that city and in a wide circuit of country round it, he practised physic for nearly half a century with great reputation and success. He died 1st December, 1771, leaving behind him " a name dear to his friends, to numerous objects of his skill and bounty, and to all who knew him, and at the same time possessed a proper sense of the value of great learning, genuine piety, inflexible integrity, and diffusive benevolence." (1)

William Munk

[(1) A Tribute to the Memory of Dr. John Bailey]